رسالة الى أوباما | Message To Obama


 تعدّدت وسائل الثورة الإعلامية وأساليبها ، وبعد دخولها في عامها الرابع مازالنا نعمل ونسلك سبلاً عديدة على ايصال صوت الثورة والمعاناة السورية إلى الجميع ،  نرجو المساهمة بارسال الرسالة التالية للرئيس " الأمريكي " ومن واجبنا جميعا التكاتف لايصال الرسالة وصوت الثورة لكل أرجاء العالم .
- طريقة إرسال الرسالة موضحة أدناة ::
- الدخول عبر الرابط التالي : http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/write-or-call#write
- ثم نقوم باختيار ( email )  .
- ثم تملئ الفراغات.
- عنوان الرسالة : Message To Obama
- نص الرسالة : 
Mr. President 
I am writing to you to urge for your immediate action regarding Syria to provide humanitarian support to the Syrian people, assist the moderate Syrian opposition with necessary support to defend civilians, and hold the Assad regime accountable for their gross human rights violations. 
The Syrian crisis has rendered over 2.5 million registered refugees and over 6.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs). These numbers do not fully describe the scope of the crisis as many refugees and IDPs are unregistered or unaccounted for. With over fifty percent of the refugees being under the age of 18, the impact of the Syrian crisis will span generations. 
In order for the Syrian people to not only survive the ongoing violence but have a hope for future generations, we ask that the United States Congress take the following actions:
Support Representative Bill Pascrell’s efforts to increase Syrian refugee settlement in the United States to 15,000 this year.

Assist Syrian rebel forces such as the Syrian Revolutionaries Front, Tawhid Brigade, Hazzm Movement, and other moderate rebel factions with the provisions to defend civilians. 

Urge the State Department to spend money Congress has already allocated toward non-lethal support to the Syrian opposition in ways that will bolster civilian activists and protect potential defectors.

Demand that the United Nations and United States require the Assad regime to implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2139 and 2118 which calls for the Assad regime to allow UN humanitarian access across conflict lines and to remove chemical weapons.

Declare Assad a war criminal.
Mr. President, make the removal of Assad and his regime and democracy implementation as your legacy in the history of US and the entire world. 


    تصـويت الموقع

    ماهو الدور الذي مازال يطلبه الشعب السوري اليوم من المجتمع الدولي
  • الاعتراف الحقيقي بالثورة السورية
  • المساعدة المدنية و اللوجستية
  • التدخل العسكري
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