36dead due to cold weather during the first week of snow storm


The human rights office of the Syrian Revolution Coordinators Union has documented the death of 36 syrian civilians in Syria and Lebanon due to the extreme cold, among them 24 children since the snow storm hit the area last Tuesday, as 10 Syrian refuges in Lebanon camps died and another 11 died in rural Damascus, 9 others in Aleppo, 3 in Der-elzor, 2 in Damascus and 1 in Dara'.

The Human rights office

    تصـويت الموقع

    ماهو الدور الذي مازال يطلبه الشعب السوري اليوم من المجتمع الدولي
  • الاعتراف الحقيقي بالثورة السورية
  • المساعدة المدنية و اللوجستية
  • التدخل العسكري
  • رفع الغطاء عن نظام الأسد

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