Dutch Priest Frans Van Der Lught is killed in Homs
A few days ago in an unidentified circumstances the Dutch Priest father Francis van der Lught killed he is the Christian priest in the besieged Homs, where there is few Christian in it, he refused to leave despite of dwindling supplies insisting that he is the Abbot of the Monastery and its impossible to leave it .
Pope Francis appealed the international community on lifting the siege of Homs’ Old City ( Despite the hunger and difficulties you can see the spirit of participation between people there ) he said.
“ I can confirmed that he has been killed, and he hasn’t been threatened before “ Jan Syat secretary of Dutch Jesuit Order “ staying in the siege area was his wish. If the Syrian People are suffering I want to share their pains and their difficulties “
Assad Regime is always trying to prosecute his opponents especially minorities ones, by the existence of Pope Francis in besieged Homs for nearly two years it’s a good reason to condemn the regime that he is not the protector of minorities as he pretends. The minorities in Homs Old City prefer to live under the siege and shelling other than staying under this Regime . This is clear evidence to know who is standing behind this crime .
Pope Francis is appealing the international community on lifting the siege because of hunger
- Damascus – Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
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