200 Suffocation Cases in Tel-Mens in Idleb Suburbs


Assad regime uses the toxic gases again and circumvent the international community this time in Tel-Mines in Idleb suburbs.
More than 200 suffocation cases were documented, 15 of them are critic and were moved to Jejanaz field hospital after bombing explosive barrels that contain chlorine gas by regime forces.

Al-Tamana'a village in Idlib suburbs was bombed yesterday with explosive barrels that contain toxic gases. 3 martyrs from one family documented including a child and a woman.

For the sixth time during the last few days, 50 suffocation cases were reported due to bombing toxic gases on Kafar-Zeta in Hama suburbs.



SYRCU Media Office

    تصـويت الموقع

    ماهو الدور الذي مازال يطلبه الشعب السوري اليوم من المجتمع الدولي
  • الاعتراف الحقيقي بالثورة السورية
  • المساعدة المدنية و اللوجستية
  • التدخل العسكري
  • رفع الغطاء عن نظام الأسد

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