Ten Martyrs in a Massacre in Sahm AlJolan Town in Suburbs of Daraa
Regime forces committed a new massacre in Sahm Al-Joulan in western Daraa suburbs. Ten martyrs including four children till now , after the regime forces warplanes launch an airstrike on the town resulting many wounded big destruction and mass displacement .
Martyrs names :
The child Murad AlSayed Ahmad, 12yrs old-
Amal Ahmad AlSayed Ahmad, 19 yrs old-
Amani Ahmad AlSayed Ahmad, 25 yrs old-
The child Sham Muhammad Tayasneh, 4 months old-
The child Touqa Ammar Tayasneh, 3 yrs old-
Obeid Mohsen Tayasneh, 40 yrs old-
Afaf AlSayed Ahmad, 35 yrs old-
Alya Hussain Sharaf, 50 yrs old-
unidentified child martyr-
unidentified martyr -
Nawa and Enkhel towns were also bombed with explosive barrels resulting tens of martyrs documented till now.
SYRCU Media Office
- Damascus – Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
- التقرير اليومي للأحداث الميدانية 1 12 2012 في العاصمة دمشق و ريفها
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