The Specter of Death Overshadows the Yarmouk Refugee Camp, to Kill its Cry and Pain
Between a rock and a hard place this is the case with the people of the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, either out to the displacement of a risky detination and join regime army, or staying within the blockade crippling maybe starving to death one of its consequence
Or death of regime mortar shelling, which destroyed the houses on heads of their owners, leaving death and destruction.
And if the jittery truce in Beit-Sahm and Babeila , the long negotiations that took place with the regime without reaching to a clear agreement, has achieved a relative calm in the camp and gave it some breath of life by allowing for the entry of food parcels which become an obsession to the camp's residents men, women, and children
However, the regime quickly blockade entry of aid by preventing the Red Crescent distribution of aid to the beneficiaries.
which led to camp's residents standing in long queues awaiting it.
According to testimony of workers in Yarmouk hospital " the health situation worsened by regime preventing the entry of diesel fuel, causing disabling hospitals"
And the return of the wounded and sick into the camp after awaiting for several hours hoping to get them out for treatment.
The camp still suffers from a severe shortage of food and medical supplies as reported by the people of the camp
Thus, the Palestinian refugee participates Syrian pain , which caused by a regime who pretends over decades that he stands at his side, fights for his safety, and Yarmouk continues in its alienation crying on his loss, clinging to hope of the remaining.
SYRCU Human Rights in cooperation with Yarmouk Agency
Human Rights
- Damascus – Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
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