Elect the Revolution 3-6-2014 Inside Free Syrian Areas
Another elections supervised by Syrian Revolution Coordinators' Union (SYRCU) called legitimate elections at the same day in rural areas controlled by the rebels few meters away from the centres of Bashar Al-Assad farce elections.
SYRCU organized an event #elect_the_revolution by opening its own counter elections in the liberated areas inside Syria and resort areas of the Syrian people like Al-Zataari camp and Syrian-Turkish borders.
Centrers began to receipt the voters to roll free Syria .
SYRCU published a list of candidates chosen from the Syrian heroes martyred to date while fighting for freedom for the Syrian nation
There are 20 polling centres in liberated areas across Syria supervised by SYRCU activists, they hanged pictures of the martyrs, freedom mottoes refusing the ludicrousness of the regime farce about blood elections.
The electoral process in the besiged town of Douma in East Goh
Pictures from many poll centers in: Daraa, Al-Zataari camp, Al-Qunitera, Deir Azzor, Syrian-Turkish borders and East Ghota
20 Polling Station
Damascus province 2 in liberated western
Damascus sububrs province 2 in eastern Ghouta
Idleb province 1 in Jiser Al-Shoughor
Lattakia province 1 in liberated suburbs
Aleppo province 3 in Andan, Maraa, and Tel Rifat
Hama province in liberated suburbs
Deir Azzor province in liberated suburbs
Al-Quanitera province 1 in liberated suburbs
Daraa province 1 in liberated areas
Homs province 2 in Al-Rastan and Tadmur
Al-Zataari camp 1 poll electionEast Jordan 1 poll election ( Syrian Wounded Center )
Al-Rihania city 1 in Syrian Refugee Gathering
Antakya ciny 1 in Syrian Refugee Gathering
The list ( A )of Candidates :
Ibrahim Shaiban
Abo-Sarkes Aljolani
Ahmad Al-Khalaf
Houssam Aiash
Hamazh Al-Khatib
Abd-Alkader Al-Saleh
Ali Al-Shekh
Ali Babnsi
Ghiath Matar
Tarek Al-Aswad
Mouhammd Al-Saeed
Mouhammd Al-Masalemh
Mouhammd Fayad Askar
Mshaal Tammo
Hajer Al-Khatib
Walid Shoubat
This event is a civil activity simulates presidential elections held in about 20 centers.
SYRCU seeks also to establish this campaign in order not to let the screen media to show only the images of the farce elections which is held by the regime and to be presented to the international media on the same day because the free Syrian people is the one who decide his governor away from the regime's terror and his intelligence agencies and He is the only one who have the legitimacy.
SYRCU members hope to have this activity imapct in determining the countries who have hesitate opinions towards the recognition of the revolution and abandon support for Bashar Al-Assad and recognize him,
and whatever the outcome of these elections are ultimately symbolic significant effect on the memory of the martyrs and a sacrifice concept of that characterized the Syrian tender revolution
for more vedios
SYRCU Media Office
- Damascus – Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
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